Please Don’t Buy Windows Phone 7

Windows Phone 7 has a terrible browser and 'm disappointed that they haven't updated the rendering engine to at least IE8 yet.
If they give you one free, use it to hold down a stack of paper on your desk.

But please, for the love of the Internet DO NOT USE A WINDOWS PHONE TO BROWSE THE WEB.

It uses Internet Exploder 7 as its rendering engine and it pretty much breaks everything that regular IE7 broke. As well, it looks just plain ugly. The scaling isn’t really anti-aliased and looks terrible.

It’s a terrible browsing experience overall and as a web developer I am afraid I’ll have to hurt you if you make my life harder by using Windows Phone 7.


By Lilithe


1 comment

  1. I love my new WP& phone, BUT the IE7 in WP7 is a disaster. None of my mobile sites render correctly and just about every other site renders with tiny text and pages to wide…They should shoot the team that developed this browser – it is a step back into the days of total browser incompatibility.

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