Maze Game Mechanic

A smaller update this time. I had my shiny new list that Victoria had helped me create in hand and a bit of time set aside to do some work on my personal projects in the evening. So I used a tiny bit of it to get the first list item out of the way.

What is the Overall Game Mechanic?

Drawing may not be to scale, contain items that will actually be used, or even any good.
Drawing may not be to scale, contain items that will actually be used, or even any good.

The idea is simple, I want to create a game with some simple and increasingly more complex mazes. I want them to contain puzzles of various kinds which act as gatekeepers preventing the player from progressing through the levels.

Another key mechanic that I had tossed around (and actually coded) was the idea of a key thief or a “keyper” as I have named it here. The key thief doesn’t so much steal the keys as it takes them back to where they were originally in the level.

And that’s it! It sounds really simple but I’ve taken a while to make any progress so I feel like writing down a plan will help me with that focus thing.

By Lilithe
