I’m very happy – and I can’t see.

I’ve been experiencing udder elation a lot lately, especially triggered by good music but anything I enjoy generally is giving me extreme mood upswings. It’s really great. I’m wondering if I’m due for a crash soon.

On a side note, I’ve been experencing what I’ve heard described as an ocular migraine this morning. I’ve had these on and off since I was a teenager. I used to have daily, extremely painful headaches in class as a child but I never, ever, ever have a headache anymore. As I child I had something against taking medication or complaining about these. I felt medicine was a cop-out and I was strong enough to endure it.

The only headaches I’ve had since childhood have been associated with caffeine withdrawl. That’s another issue altogether.

What I’ve noticed is I had a noticably high blood pressure this morning when my vision was most affected. I’ve also been sick lately so getting up this morning was hard. Perhaps forcing myself to get up and perform difficult cognitive tasks causes problems.

Ah, brain chemistry and physiology can be fun~

By Lilithe



  1. Very sorry to hear that you arnt feeling (seeing) so well my friend. I hope it clears up soon.


  2. Thank-you Steve. It’s not a huge problem but I thought I’d ‘blog’ on it because it’s appartently a common problem.

    It really isn’t a huge bother other than having a huge kaleidoscope pattern in my vision.

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