What would entice you to upgrade your mobile?

We’ve had roughly the same Intel processors for the past 8 years now with only minor upgrades to thermal and power profiles.

Mobile phones are now quad-core powerhouses with great GPUs that compete with desktops.

What’s left as far as features for the mobile phone user to want? What would make you upgrade to the newest, shiniest thing? What’s stopping mobile users from keeping their current, powerful phones for 4 years instead of the customary 2?

The only thing I can think of right now is RAM. As OSes get bulkier, they will slow down on phones that have very little RAM.

There’s always the drop factor as well. Dropped and destroyed phones will need to be replaced. As phones age, their fragile lithium polymer power source will dwindle.

What features would get you to upgrade? Or is it simply a matter of wear and tear now?

By Lilithe
