How to Make a Linux VMWare Server Authenticate

VMWare Linux Server Viewed Across the Internet

I’ve looked all over the place for answers and people have posted their pam configuration files in a few forums here and there and nothing seems to help with my install of Mandriva 2007 Spring.

How did I fix it then? Knowing what daemon and config file I was dealing with I simply went into the /etc/pam.d directory and found a suitable service that used local users to authenticate. This is all I wanted anyway. I want to be able to log on using the users from my server. Well guess what I did? I copied that file over top of /etc/vmware/pam.d/vmware-authd.

It worked beautifully!

You may want to add the line “open_only =” to the configuration in /etc/xinetd.d/vmware-authd as well. I did this but I’m not sure if it made the difference or not. While logging in this change still presented me with invalid username/password errors.

Well I hope this helps someone in a similar predicament. 🙂

If you would like help setting up your configuration just leave comments.

By Lilithe
