A colourful collage on a garage door
A colourful collage on a garage door


I took another walk today. I went to Kensington Market in Toronto and checked out what was going on there. It was such a lovely morning and early afternoon for a walk.

I went to Canada Computers to check out what they had in the way of PC cases. Basically I’m looking forward to building a ruggedized PC with a handle that I can toss in a suitcase and take with me to conventions.

Rugged PC Build Ideas

That way when I run a VR portal, I will have a relatively reliable and cool machine with more than enough power for the task. Up until now I had been using a gaming laptop for this task. My gaming laptop bit the dust this year, though. I got about 2 years out of it.

So I’m going to try to build my mATX desktop board with 360 AIO cooler and 3 fan 6900XT into some kind of rugged case. My idea for now is aluminum extrusions and acrylic. I have already 3D printed and mounted a motherboard plate to the mATX motherboard.

The biggest problem for this project is obviously the size of the cooler and GPU. Here’s hoping I can manage to find a solution that works.

Optimally I’d like to fit the keyboard, a mouse, and a display into a folding case that opens up like a briefcase PC.

Well, that’s the goal, anyway. We shall see if I can actually pull it off.


In addition I’ve been reading more on React and I’m going to try making some modifications to my new website redesign using some functionality I’m learning. Wish me luck!

Because I read some more on React I have earned myself a sugary soda for dinner. What a treat! (Yes this is an extra motivation for me to keep going when it seems too easy or boring.)

By Lilithe
