Thinking about animating

Rainbow Dash being launched by some tree sap in Fall Weather Friends

So I have had a DeviantArt account for a long time now and I’ve been posting whatever random crap I decide to doodle there for years now. I’ve owned the account since 2004 but hadn’t really posted anything beyond a single Oekaki drawing between 2004 and 2007.

I’ve also always had a minor interest in art but I ignored these interests for a long time because I was drawn more toward computers which seemed to be a solid career path.

I’m starting to realize that maybe I’d like to try to freelance as an animator or artist somehow, but I’m not nearly good enough. So I’ve been practising by trying to vectorize animations from popular cartoons. So far I’ve found this process quite an uphill battle in Flash. I found making vectors really easy in Photoshop or Illustrator (or in the free application Inkscape). But I spent the better part of an hour last night figuring out how to outline and fill just one flat-shaded region in Flash.

After that I was quicker though. I was able to flat-shade a few more regions in no time at all. Well this is a journey of 10000 hours, and I think I’ve just made my first step.

By Lilithe
