
I didn’t really know what we did as teenagers had a name. Apparently it’s called Parkour.

In my home town we had a small downtown core with ajoining buildings. Many of these buildings had jumpable gaps between them. Being physically fit and somewhat insane in my youth, I with a few select friends would take endless pleasure in hopping the rooves between buildings. One time, we even had a rock war where we hurled the stones you find on a flat, tar-covered building roof at each other across gaps. Yes, we’re all still alive today. Sorry, hopeful armchair-jockeys. 😉

It’s become a sport known also by the name of “Free Running” and there is even a video game made to showcase the “sport”. I don’t believe they throw stones at one-another.

It almost makes me want to trespass on the rooves of city buildings again… almost. I think I’ll stick to DDR. 😛

Official Urban Freeflow Website

Now I don’t want to hear about any kids trying this crap. My friends and I, and the participants of this sport could very well have killed ourselves attempting these stunts. At the very least get some vaulting training. I wash my hands of you if you try parkour based on the information on my website.

By Lilithe
