New Cars Should Record Collisions

Why? Well let me tell you a little story.

My coworker’s wife went to Costco and was leaving when she saw someone hit her car, and then start to pull away. Well she ran after him, flagged him down and discussed what would happen. She got all the pertinent details and can do something about it if there turns out to be damage from it. She’s a lucky one.

I remember when I was a kid someone smashed into my father’s brand new car, destroyed the grille and then took off and nobody ever caught them. This happens thousands of times per day, peoples property being damaged and there’s nothing they could do about it. Most of the time when caught the driver claims they didn’t notice. Well if you didn’t notice, you have absolutely no business driving a car. You should be legally barred from doing so.

Well what if each car with a backup camera also recorded when the car experienced shock, even minor bumps like those experienced in a parking lot. Well then we’d have video evidence of every collision, major or minor, from a car’s eye view.

I think this is a good thing. What do you think?

By Lilithe



  1. I agree that there should be a reliable way of catching hit and runners.
    Something that annoys me is the cameras put near red lights to catch those running lights don’t always work. I have a friend who was hit someone who ran the redlight and she thought she was going to be ok because it SHOULD have been on camera. The story is that the budget was cut and the cameras were no longer running.

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