How do I sync my Dell Axim X5 in Windows Vista?

Many, many Dell Axim X5 owners are wondering this one as my most recent searches of forums produced little in the way of results but many users lamenting their inability to link their PDA and sync in Windows Vista.

The problem manifests itself with many earlier Windows Mobile 2003 capable PDAs and there is a simple fix. One website suggested turning off any networking function associated with the USB connection as this is often a source of trouble. This proves useless for Axim X5 owners as there is no such option or function in the menus.

I am happy to report my fix for the problem was equally simple, however. Just go into your Start > Settings > Connections > Connections menu and choose any connection other than the USB one. Exit the settings window, open it up again and select USB again. Save your settings, disconnect your USB cable and plug it back in again.

This worked for me. If you still have problems and/or find alternate solutions or more information about the problem, please feel free to leave comments.

Happy synching~ 🙂

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By Lilithe



  1. PS. I can see the Axim on the Device Manager but it doesn’t show up in Windows Explorer, nor does WMDC seem to recognize it. Thanks, Kat

    1. Hmm, I wish I had one to try. I haven’t owned a Windows Mobile anything since upgrading to Windows 7 myself. So I couldn’t tell you. Sorry!

  2. Thank you so much for this solution. On ActiveSync 4.7 I unchecked USB, selected COM1. Then OK. Then went back into ActiveSync, selected USB, and presto It works!!!!!!

  3. Hello there, I found your site by way of Google at the same time as looking for a related topic, your site came up, it appears good. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks.

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