

Now I don’t typically see this type of thing but on a video game related client site the administration console and it’s supporting pages have been corrupted!

It’s extremely annoying as I was handed an outdated CMS product by the client to maintain that had been customized (read destroyed) by it’s previous maintainer.

Now all of my hard work getting the site to a working state has been undone and even though there is a backup, there has been work lost and that’s just annoying. Now I’ll have to copy all of the client’s new posts and re-install the backup of the site.

Damn you script kiddies! We get it! Sites made with canned CMSes are insecure! That doesn’t mean the client has the money to pay someone to fix them.

That said they should have. Oh well. I think I’ll be telling them, “too bad,” and, “give me more money and I’ll install a new one that actually works!”

We’ll see how well that goes over…

By Lilithe
