
Grr! Now I don’t typically see this type of thing but on a video game related client site the administration console and it’s supporting pages have been corrupted! It’s extremely annoying as I was handed an outdated CMS product by the client to maintain that had been customized (read destroyed) by it’s previous maintainer. Now… Continue reading Corrupted!

Flickr Off!

Flickr is a photo sharing service that some of my friends are paid subscribers to. Personally I only upload the odd photo so the free account is fine. Here is my photostream. Enjoy

Bob Ross Changes Graffiti

Now, I don’t usually find the show Boondocks entertaining – but tonight I’ll make an exception. In this episode, a Bob Ross with a white afro teaches one of the kids how to draw… on walls. To me, this is great comedy.

Its uber!

While browsing Google Analytics for my site I came across an interesting city name: Uberlândia!Apparently Uberlândia is a city in Brazil but at this point I am hard-pressed to find a place with a better name. 🙂

First Solo Video Gig

I attended the Peterborough Jazz Festival last night to film Beverly Taft. It turned out better than I expected. With the borrowed hardware from work the sound was excellent, the lighting and picture were decent. I’m very happy with how it turned out. I was a little nervous about it since I was borrowing camera… Continue reading First Solo Video Gig